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Launched in September 2002, eden Hattersley, a partnership between MessageLogo and MEC was the realisation of a desire to share the Gospel with the people of Hattersley by Mottram Evangelical Church and an answer to many years of prayer.

EDENs remit is to share Jesus with the young people of Hattersley in a way that is relevant and to encourage them into fellowship in a local church. Hattersley Community Church was planted by MEC and also launched in September 2002.

Over time, it became apparent it would be useful to have a permanent base for EDEN to run its youth focused activities and to enhance the outreach of the church by acting as a community hub. The concept of Lifecentre Hattersley was born. The idea was to procure/build a facility that could host various activities and services including a community café and be a ‘shop front’ for EDEN and HCC. It was never envisaged, (and is still not), that this would be the church location for Sunday services. Lifecentre Hattersley was registered as a company and charity. The plans for a building are long term and it was recognised in the interim Lifecentre had some opportunities to facilitate outdoor activities using the skills of existing EDEN-ites! So Lifecentre Outdoors was launched.

The Message Trust support of a local EDEN partnership is usually phased out after 5 years. The idea is that EDEN becomes wholly owned as the youth outreach of the local partner church. This is where EDEN Hattersley finds itself from September 2010, although it has taken a little longer than the usual 5 years! From 1st September 2010 EDEN Hattersley is no longer structurally part of The Message. The financial responsibility, leadership and employment of Simon, Louise and Dave are now the responsibility of Lifecentre Hattersley. EDEN will continue to operate as a ministry of Lifecentre Hattersley and the youth outreach of HCC, alongside outdoor activities facilitated by Lifecentre Outdoors with other ministries such as Christian counselling being developed over time.

The vision for a permanent facility is a matter for prayer and one that we need to continue to seek God on. The need to relevantly share the Gospel with the young people of Hattersley is still the primary remit of Lifecentre, but also extends to the wider community. HCC will continue to provide support and fellowship to the community, enabling people to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, through sharing of lives, Small Groups, Freedom In Christ Course, Start Course and mentoring etc.

Over the past 9 years, many seeds have been sown and we continue to pray for the harvest and for the fulfilment of Gods promise to Hattersley through Isaiah 62.

Thank you so much for all your prayers, love and financial support that you have given over the years. I hope that you will be able to continue to stand with us, if you would like to receive our prayer email or become a financial supporter please get in touch.